At this time every year I get excited about my vegetable garden. Each year I mentally review what happened with the veggies that I planted the year before, and think of ways I can improve things. Sometimes it's the variety of vegetable, sometimes it's adjusting the irrigation; but what is an important MUST DO is amend the soil. This year I have amended my garden soil with an Organic Fertilizer combination that I read about in Natural Home Magazine (Nov./Dec. 2011). Here is the mix:
4 parts seed meal (I could only find soybean meal)
1/4 part ordinary agricultural lime (I used Oyster Shell)
1 part bone meal (or high-phosphate guano)
1/2 to 1 part Kelp meal
They recommend that before planting a crop, or once a year, you spread one quart of fertilizer mix and 1/2" of finished compost evenly atop each 20 sq.ft. Blend with a hoe or spade.
What I did was sprinkled about 1/8 to 1/4 cup of the mix on the small areas individually and planted my starts.
I'm excited to see the results! The photo in the magazine of the man who came up with this mix, Steve Soloman, showed him sitting next to HUGE vegetable plants. That's what I want!
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